
Are you missing multiple teeth? Or are your teeth beyond repair? You are not alone! Tooth decay is part of life. As we get older, our teeth break down and become weaker. In some cases teeth can become loose and can start to fall out due to periodontal disease.

Yes, losing teeth is common, but that doesn’t make it any easier on you. Missing teeth can destroy your confidence to smile. Missing teeth makes eating, talking and smiling difficult. It’s time to restore your confidence and get your teeth back.

Dentures are a great solution for restoring your teeth. With dentures you can look younger, and talk and smile with ease. You’ll also be able to chew your food without working around missing teeth.

Snowflake Family Dental offers comfortable, affordable dentures that will last for years to come. We use advanced technology and techniques to ensure lasting quality at affordable prices.

Whether you are looking for a traditional denture or an implant supported denture, Snowflake Family Dental offers many options that are sure to meet your needs.

Types of Dentures

Traditional Dentures

Our dentures are designed to look and feel as natural as possible. Your teeth will look natural so that you can smile with confidence. We also take the time to make sure your dentures fit and feel comfortable to give you a fully functional set of teeth to eat, smile and talk.

Implant Overdentures

Implant overdentures are one of the more popular alternatives of having teeth restored. In some cases the patients mouth is not ideal for a conventional denture; or the patient cannot tolerate the feel of the amount of acrylic used for the stability of the dentures. Overdentures with implants can allow for a thin, light and stable denture that feels very close to having permanent teeth. You’ll have a traditional implant procedure, giving you posts to permanently mount your dentures. Your dentures will have a special attachment that allows you to snap them to the implants.

This process is very simple and offers a low hassle solution. You’ll never need to worry about your dentures falling out during a conversation or eating.

Partial Dentures

Partial Dentures replace missing teeth by being anchored to surrounding teeth. Partial dentures can look like a retainer. If implants or bridgework isn’t within your budget, partial dentures can be a temporary solution. Partial dentures can offer oral stability until a permanent solution is finalized.

Flexible Base Partial Dentures

Flexible base partial dentures are a step up from partial dentures. They are more comfortable and can look more natural. There is no rigid metal frame or metal clasps so many patients prefer the flexible base. The down side of a flexible base denture is that it doesn’t last as long as a traditional partial denture.

Immediate Dentures

If you are in a situation where you need to have your teeth removed, you can receive immediate dentures the same day. You’ll have replacement teeth the same day your teeth are removed! Immediate Dentures will allow you to eat soft foods, allow you to smile and will also protect your gums while they heal.

Immediate Dentures are usually replaced by traditional dentures once your gums and jaw have fully healed. This healing can take up to 6 months.

Benefits of Dentures

Unsure About Dentures?

At Snowflake Family Dental, your quality of life and comfort are important to us. We want you to have a great smile, confidence, and the ability to eat in comfort. In order for this to happen, your dentures will need to fit perfectly. We’ll take the time to ensure that you are happy with your dentures.

Be sure to communicate your concerns with our Doctors. They’ll be sure to take care of all your needs.

If you are interested in dentures, please give us a call to set up a consultation…

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